24 Nov The Ultimate Guide To Writing An Advertisement Script
Writing an advertisement script has the aim of bringing the product or service to the attention of the intended market. The intention is indeed simple, I, the business, want to sell something to you, the target audience, and I must find a way of letting you know about it!
Method 1: AIDA
There are a few methods that copywriters stick to when creating an advertisement script – the 1st method we will look at is AIDA, which is actually a technique that dates back to the 1920s
A is for Attention
The potential customer must become aware of the product through the copy
I is for Interest
The potential customer must become interested in the product by learning how it may benefit them.
D is for Desire
The potential customer starts to develop a desire for the product through the copy.
A is for Action
Perhaps most importantly, at the end of the process, the potential customer should be moved to act by a captivating call to action. This influences them to buy the product or at least investigate further.
Method 2: ‘You vs We’
A really good copywriter will always focus on what benefits ‘YOU’ as the consumer will receive by purchasing this product, not what features ‘WE’ as the company are providing. What this means in practice is using the words ‘you’ and ‘your’ rather than ‘our’ or ‘us’. What this is supposed to trigger is the reader focussed on themselves and the benefits they will receive.
Method 3: WAYS
This is perhaps one of the lesser-known copywriting methodologies explained here but certainly has its place. The basic premise is that copywriters should write as people speak – leaving out the obvious erms and ah’s. But the vast majority of people do not want to be wowed by techno-jargon or psychobabble – they want to read a clear concise description of the product and how it will benefit them – they certainly don’t want to have to go to a dictionary to look up a word!
The copywriter should focus on:
- Keeping it simple
- Giving the facts needed to make an informed decision
- Keeping the customer’s question ‘What’s in it for me?’ in mind
- Showing the benefits
- Engaging the emotions of the target audience
- Creating an image in the customer’s imagination
Addressing the customers concerns
Following any of these 3 methods is a sure-fire way of writing decent copy that will engage and intrigue potential customers. And obviously, the better the copy, the better it will sound by one of our voices.
At the end of the day, if you want it to sound good, it first needs to read well – one does not go without the other! Once it is complete though, Voicestable has a wealth of voice actors that can breathe life into your script, and deliver you the finished article that will indeed intrigue and engage the potential customer. Consider if your script could be adapted for a European market, could you get a Finnish or Austrian voice actor to record a version in multiple languages?
We also offer an ISO verified translation service and artists in over 30 different languages should your script need to work for different markets.
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